Thursday 28 October 2010

banknote from chile

here is a really nice banknote from chile

i really like this note because of the detail of the ship
its just a pity about the condition of the note
I'm unsure of the date of this note at best guess 1962 to 1975

As you can see i have added some new and much better condition banknotes these notes also have consecutive serial numbers
this last note is now lost in the world somewhere..


here is another nice banknote from colombia

this banknote is dated 1981


here is a nice set of indonesia banknotes

all banknotes dated 1992

new banknotes

here is two nice notes from poland

the 200 note is dated 1988
and the 500 note is dated 1982

bank of ireland

here is a nice note from ireland

this is the older irish banknote dated 2005
the new current version of this note is the bushmill
both versions are still legal tender for now...

Sunday 24 October 2010

another polymer banknote

like the title says
another polymer note this time from guatemala

its a one un quetzal not sure what that is
a one pound note maybe??
anyway its dated 2008 also

polymer banknotes

here is one of my polymer banknotes
for those of you that don't know what polymer is these are plastic banknotes

and as far as i know these have a lifespan of a 1000 years
this note is from Mexico 20 pesos dated 2008

Saturday 23 October 2010


here is a nice old turkish banknote that was printed in england

as you can see this note was printed by bradbury
this note was in circulation from 1942 to 1947
and also this banknote is very scarce

another english banknote

this is the one pound english banknote issued from 1971 to 1982

these banknotes were still in circulation up until 1988
this was because in 1983 we had changed from the one pound note to the one pound coin

chatham island

here is an odd banknote from chatham island

these banknotes are what we call funny money
as they are not legal tender
but new Zealand bank allowed them to be used as real banknotes but only in chatham island
they are a nice collectible note

Friday 22 October 2010

angola banknotes

here is two banknotes from angola

as you can see both banknotes look the same
but the difference being the colour the signature and year of both banknotes
the green note is dated 1956
the blue note is dated 1962

isle of man

here is a nice banknote
the isle of man one pound banknote

one of many Thomas De la rue banknotes
tynwald hill is shown on the back of the note
Since the first recorded Tynwald Day in 1417, Tynwald Days traditionally occurred on 24 June, which is the feast day of St John the Baptist and also Midsummer's Day

a set of egyptian notes

this is a small set of Egyptian banknotes that i have

four notes all together
these are the Egyptian one pound banknotes they are all dated 1965
i put these banknotes on here because both banknotes are different
if you look both have different colour writing i don't really know why
but its interesting to see both notes side by side
on another note (pun intended!) these are quite large banknotes
so i guess in Egypt these notes really were worth a pound!!!

a nice portugal backnote

this is another banknote that i have

1000 escudos
this banknote is dated 1986 so its the pre euro currency
also on the back of this banknote is what i think is Christopher Columbus  sailing ship looking
for the new world
again another very nice banknote.

another french note

here is another French banknote that i have in my collection

as you can see its dated 1940
its not in the best condition but its still a nice banknote

Thursday 21 October 2010

european union

the new euro five banknote
i know very little about euro notes so i'm guessing this one is printed in france.

german banknotes

here is my small collection of german banknotes

old english banknote

here is a nice old 1950 beale one pound note

the serial number is the last run number
as you can see the queen's portrait was never on these notes
but she did get put on the later banknotes..

some more notes

here is a list of my scottish banknotes

the scottish ten pound note

bank of scotland ten pound note

clydesdale bank five pound note

clydesdale ten pound note

as you will have noticed all the banknotes have sterling printed on the notes which means
they are legal tender in england..
but did you know that all scottish banknotes are not legal tender not even in scotland!!!

yes its a strange law we have!!